Pilates and Pregnancy: Is it safe?

Pregnancy brings lots of changes, and staying active is key. Pilates is known for its focus on strength and flexibility. But here's the question:

Can you do Reformer Pilates while pregnant?

Let's dive into the science, check out the benefits, consider the risks, and see how SOJO Pilates makes it work for all pregnancy stages.

Pilates is like a superhero workout for pregnant mums. It tackles back pain (future & present) by strengthening your core muscles, which are like the body's natural support system. The stretching in Pilates helps keep you get flexible without messing up your joints, which can get a bit unsteady thanks to pregnancy hormones.

One amazing thing about Pilates is how it gives your pelvic floor muscles some love. These muscles are a big deal during pregnancy and childbirth, helping you stay in control and recover faster after giving birth. Pilates also does wonders for your posture, which can take a hit as your belly grows. And let's not forget the stress-busting side of Pilates – it's like a mini-vacation for your mind.

But, of course, we gotta talk about the do's and don'ts. Once you hit the second trimester, it's best to skip exercises where you lie flat on your back for too long. We don't want to squish any important blood vessels. And be mindful of those ab workouts – not too much, but enough to keeep them active and suporting you!

Now, let's talk SOJO Pilates, we get it. We have had so many lovely mums use our studio from start to finish, from half way to full term and all the rest. We’ve got classes that fit every pregnancy stage. Whether you're a Pilates newbie or a pro, our classes are designed to make everyone feel welcomed and supported.

And if you're after some one-on-one attention, SOJO has you covered. We offer private sessions where instructors can tailor the workout to your needs, especially if you've got specific pregnancy concerns.

In a nutshell, doing Pilates during pregnancy can be a game-changer, and SOJO Pilates makes sure everyone can join in on the fun. Just chat with your doc before starting anything new, and book a free consultation with the team to find the best option for you! Happy pilating!


Fundamental Principles of Pilates